STONE Observes the Grand Opening of Gathering

  The spring days pass magnificently, the year of dragon comes rapidly. In January 14th, STONE gathering held in Beijing Zhongjia Palace Hot Spring Hotel.
  At 3 o’clock in the afternoon, chairman of the board Pan Qi welcomed the employees in front of the gate. Opening dance of <baby> pronounced the beginning of the gathering. After, subsidiaries and branch companies’ programs put on the stage. Opercula, dances, songs and plays, all of them displayed special prowess. A round of applause appeared. At 7 o’clock the banquet began. Chairman Pan made a speech:”STONE made brilliant achievements in 2011. The achievement broke through one billion. This performance own to all the members of STONE. Take this opportunity, on the behalf of the board, I make great thanks to all the employees and the relatives of STNE. In the year of dragon, I wish all the children of STONE thrive happily. Good luck to all the members and relatives of STONE! ”
  The success of gathering made all the members of STONE feel the warm of the big family and firmly believe STONE could reach new heights in the leading of chairman Pan and the endeavor of all the staff.


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